Sinequa’s Intelligent Search Platform

Sinequa’s Intelligent Enterprise Search platform for Global 2000 companies and government agencies connects people with the information, expertise and insights necessary for organizations to become information-driven. For Sinequa customers, this means actionable information presented in context to surface insights, inform decisions, and elevate productivity. The platform has been forged by experience in projects for large organizations in complex environments with large and diverse sets of data and content. Sinequa’s unified platform is fully integrated and configurable to support current and future needs around becoming information-driven.
Becoming Information-Driven with Intelligent Search and Machine Learning
Being information-driven means not only having a comprehensive view of the information available but also the best possible understanding of the meaning it carries. If being information-driven were all about fielding queries and matching on keywords, a simple indexing approach would suffice. The best results are obtained when multiple indexes are combined, each contributing a different perspective or emphasis.
By connecting related information across dispersed applications and repositories, people can leverage 360-degree views. They will have more confidence that they are getting holistic information about whatever topic they are interested in, whether it be a specific customer, a service being provided, a sales opportunity, or any other business entity critical to driving the business. A key to connecting information is Natural Language Processing, which handles key functions like language detection, lexical & syntactical analysis, entity extraction, and extensible text mining. Machine Learning (ML) has become increasingly critical to enhance and improve search results and relevancy. This is done during ingestion but also constantly in the background as humans interact with the system. The reason ML has become essential in recent years is that it can handle complexity beyond what’s possible with rules.
The Intelligent Search platform that fits perfectly with your enterprise systems
Information is accessed through Sinequa’s presentation layer. This layer enables both out-of-the-box user interfaces or dedicated information-driven applications, and different Global Data APIs to provide relevant information to enterprise software third parties or to data analytics platform as a service.